Join WitchLab and Najah Lightfoot for this 5 class course based on her award-winning book, "Good Juju ~ Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul."
Class Schedule:
CLASS I - Establish a Foundation. June 02, 2022
Based on the chapters "Knock Upon the Magical Door and Step Through the Magical Curtain." We'll discuss the power of having a daily, magical, spiritual, practice. How the simple ritual of greeting the dawn can uplift your mind, body, and spirit, and briefly discuss the enormous spiritual effect of practicing the ritual known as The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
CLASS II - Working Spells. June 16, 2022 Buy Tickets
Based on the chapter "Light the Cauldron - Working with Magick." We'll discuss tried and tried methods for Spell work, as well as the difference between practicing the Folk Magic of Hoodoo and the religion of Vodou.
CLASS III - Altar Magick. July 07, 2022 Buy Tickets
Based on the chapter "Sacred Altar Works." We'll discuss how to create an altar, as well as ways to maintain your altar on a consistent basis. We'll also discuss the power of honoring your Ancestors through a daily ritual of pouring water.
CLASS IV - Mojo Magick. July 21, 2022 Buy Tickets
Based on the chapter "Magical Mojo Spell Work." We'll discuss what is a mojo, mojos for different conditions, crafting a mojo, and how to keep your mojo workin'!
CLASS V - Be Your Own Tree. Aug 04, 2022 Buy Tickets
Based on the chapter "Be Your Own Tree," this is our final class in the series. We'll discuss the importance of maintaining your magickal individuality, social media pros and cons, and a prayer for joining groups. We'll also discuss the impact of initiation into magickal, spiritual groups and how that is a decision that should never be taken lightly. We'll close celebrating ourselves as divine spiritual beings!
Meet the Instructor:
Najah Lightfoot is the multi-award-winning author of
"Good Juju ~ Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul."
She is the Gold Medal winner of the 2020 COVR Awards, in the category of Wicca, Witchcraft and Magick, and a winner of the 2019 NYC Big Book Award. She is a fellow of the Sojourner Truth Leadership Circle, sponsored by Auburn Seminary.
Najah lives in Denver, CO. Her articles regularly appear in Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, Witches' Companion, Witches' Datebook, and Spell-A-Day Series. She is also an initiated member of a private New Orleans Vodou Society.
Najah is an in-demand speaker for conferences, classes and events. Her magickal staff is now on display at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft, located in Cleveland, OH. She is also a contributor to the Library of Esoterica, Volume III, Witchcraft, published by Taschen Books.
Her second book, "Powerful Juju ~ Goddesses, Music & Magic for Comfort, Guidance & Protection," will be released in September, 2022.