Saturdays, March 8th, 15th, 22nd – 2:00-3:30 PM
In this course series author Mark H. Williams will present Kabbalah for occultists and pagans. Kabbalah is best known in Jewish tradition and is often used by many ritual magic traditions such as Golden Dawn & Thelema, however Kabbalah’s roots are ancient dating back to at least 4,000 BCE in Mesopotamia. The course will include traditional Jewish concepts so that the student will be able to read and understand any texts on the subject, but the course will also include many non-Judeo-Christian associations and practices that will appeal to the occult community.
Session 1 – March 8 2:00-3:30 PM
Session 2 – March 15 2:00-3:30 PM
Session 3 – March 22 2:00-3:30 PM
Magik, ritual, and meditation with Kabbalah
Resources for further study
All attendees will have access to Mark via email during and after the course for questions and clarifications.
Meet the Instructor:
Mark H. Williams has been a student of many religions and spiritual traditions. He has been a practicing occultist for over twenty years and has been consecrated as a Bishop in the Independent and Gnostic Movement. This experience as well as a master’s in theology gives him a unique perspective on Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and other occult topics. He is the author of Embracing Lilith, Embodying Lilith, and the forthcoming Empowering Lilith.
He is currently the High Priest of the Dark Gnostic group Circle of the Dark Mother.
Please read all of the following before purchasing a ticket.
Course Fee is $75 - this is for all three classes.
Saturdays, March 8th, 15th, 22nd – 2:00-3:30 PM. Eastern Time
In Person at:
WitchLab Lounge
1187 W. Broad St
Columbus, OH 43222
PLEASE NOTE: Tickets are non-refundable. There will be no physical tickets sent out. After purchase you will receive an email confirmation (provided you entered an email at checkout) and the name used at check out will be on the attendee list.